Motivation to develop this vignette.

Correcting batch effects is an important step in every multi-batch scRNA-seq data analysis of biological replicates, where we would like to preserve the within-differences of batches while reducing technical differences. We acknowledge that batch effects correction is just a single step in a complete analysis, and we wouldn’t like to spend so much time on it. However, we think that it is important to pay special attention to correct batch effects because an incorrect analysis could completely change the conclusions of downstream analyses and we might end up wasting a significant amount of research-time.

After experiencing diverse problems and difficulties correcting batch effects, we decided to make this vignette to help you to perform this task as smoothly as possible. Our tips to share with you are the next:

  • Tip 1. Double-check the labels you use to correct batch effects.
  • Tip 2. Always confirm the assay used on each step
  • Tip 3. Pay special attention to the variable features used to correct batch effects.
  • Tip 4. Confirm that you are using the correct variable features
  • Tip 5. Confirm the number of PCs after correcting batch effects

In this vignette, we will explain further these tips with a guided batch correction example using two thymus data sets from Tabula Muris:




myTheme <-theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 12),
                plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 10),
                legend.text = element_text(size = 10))


##Name: MyElbowPlot
##Input: Seurat object, number of principal components to use.
##Output: Elbow plot showing the variance capture by the principal components.
MyElbowPlot <- function(seurat_object = NULL, n_components = 30){
  #get PCA embeddings
  pca_data <- Seurat::Embeddings(object = seurat_object, "pca") 
  #calculate the variance
  variance <- apply(X = pca_data, MARGIN = 2, FUN = var)
  #create data frame to plot
  df <- data.frame(Components = factor(x = colnames(pca_data)[1:n_components], levels = colnames(pca_data)[1:n_components]), Variance = variance[1:n_components])
  ggplot(data = df, aes(x = Components, y = Variance)) + geom_point() +  
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 60, vjust = 1.0, hjust=1))

##Name: GetIntersectHVF
##Input: Seurat object list, number of independent features to use.
##Output: Features' instersection
GetIntersectHVF <- function(object_ls = NULL, n_features = 2000){
  object_ls <- lapply(X = object_ls, FUN = FindVariableFeatures, nfeatures = n_features, verbose = FALSE)
  independent_features <- lapply(X = object_ls, FUN = VariableFeatures)
  intersection_features <- Reduce(f = intersect, x = independent_features)
##Name: FindIntegrationHVF
##Input: Seurat object list, number of independent features to search within a given range
##Output: Integration features
FindIntegrationHVF <- function(object_ls = NULL, n_features = 2000, 
                              range = 500, init_nVF = 2000,
                              gain = 0.8, max_it = 100, verbose = TRUE){
  # Init 
  found_HFV <- 0
  n_independent_features = init_nVF
  it = 1
  #While the difference between the number of found VF and the objective number of VF are more or less than the fixed range
  while(abs(n_features - length(found_HFV)) > range){
    # If we get to the maximum iterations, we stop and send an error.
    if(it > max_it){
      stop(call. = TRUE, "Error. The desired number of VF cannot be fulfilled within the maximum number of iterations. Try to reduce the number of n_features or to increase the gain of the search algorithm.")
    #Get the HVF as the intersection of independent HVF among batches
    found_HFV <- GetIntersectHVF(object_ls = object_ls, n_features = n_independent_features)
    #Update the new number of independent variable features
    n_independent_features <- round(n_independent_features + gain*(n_features + range - length(found_HFV)), 
                                    digits = -2)
    #Update the iteration
    it <-  it + 1
  #If verbose, print general information of the HVF
    cat("Number of independent VF: ", n_independent_features, "\nNumber of VF after intersection: ", length(found_HFV))

Load seurat objects

Let’s load the two data sets using their URLs. Alternatively, you can first download the data sets and load them from your Downloads folder.

thymus_ls <- list()

# Load the droplets data set
thymus_ls[["droplets"]] <- tiss

# Load the facs data set
thymus_ls[["facs"]] <- tiss

The data sets downloaded from Tabula Muris are Seurat objects, but they are in an old format. Then, we need to update them using the UpdateSeuratObject function.

thymus_ls <- lapply(X = thymus_ls, FUN = Seurat::UpdateSeuratObject)
#> Warning: Not validating Assay objects
#> Warning: Not validating DimReduc objects
#> Not validating DimReduc objects
#> Warning: Not validating Assay objects
#> Warning: Not validating DimReduc objects
#> Not validating DimReduc objects

Tip 1. Double-check the label you will use to correct batch effects.

All batch effect correction methods require a batch label to distinguish data sets. In this case, because the data sets were prepared using different technologies (droplets and facs), we would like to correct the technical differences related to technology. If your data sets were prepared with the same technology but sequenced in different samples, you might like to correct the differences related to samples. It would be the same for biological or technical replicates, you might like to correct technical differences using the replicate label.

As we said before, in this example we would like to reduce the technical differences between the technologies used to prepare the cells. Because we don’t have a common label related to the technology, let’s create one for each data set.

thymus_ls$droplets[["tech"]] <- "droplets"
thymus_ls$facs[["tech"]] <- "facs"

Tip 2. Always confirm the assay used on each step

In a typical batch effect correction workflow we would be switching between assays on different steps, e.g. RNA, integrated or Canek, etc. Then, we would recommend you to explicitly write the assay used on each step, so you are sure of using the correct one.

On this vignette, we follow the standard preprocessing workflow from Seurat R package (see Seurat-Guided Clustering Tutorial vignette) to normalize the RNA assay of the batches.

thymus_ls <- lapply(X = thymus_ls, FUN = Seurat::NormalizeData, assay = "RNA", verbose = FALSE)

Tip 3. Pay special attention to the variable features used to correct batch effects.

One important step for batch correction is the selection of highly variable genes, also known as variable features (VF), that properly capture the heterogeneity of batches without over-fitting or adding noisy signals. The simplest way to do this is to obtain independent VFs for each batch and then find their intersection. In this way, the number of independent VFs serves as a trade-off between reducing or preserving the within-batch differences. Let’s check this trade-off using UMAP representations of the uncorrected data with an increasing number of VF (1k, 5k, and 10k independent VFs).

#set the number of VFs to use
n_VF <-  c(1000, 5000, 10000)
#get the uncorrected data
uncorrected <- Reduce(f = merge, x = thymus_ls)
#normalize the uncorrected data
uncorrected <- NormalizeData(object = uncorrected, assay = "RNA")
#list to store the plots using different number of VFs
plots_ls <- list()
#for each number of VFs
for(n in n_VF){
  # Get the intersection of VF using the GetIntersectHVF. This functions returns a vector containing the names of the VFs.
  intersected_VFs <- GetIntersectHVF(object_ls = thymus_ls, n_features = n)
  #set the variable features
  VariableFeatures(uncorrected) <- intersected_VFs
  # Scale the uncorrected data for PCA. Make sure to use the VFs found before.
  uncorrected <- ScaleData(object = uncorrected, features = intersected_VFs, assay = "RNA", verbose = FALSE)
  # Get PCA and UMAP dimensionality reductions. Make sure to use the VFs found before. 
  #For now let's use the first 15 PCs. This is just a common number of PCs used in scRNA-seq analyses, but feel free to use a different number.
  uncorrected <- RunPCA(object = uncorrected, assay = "RNA", features = intersected_VFs, npcs = 15, verbose = FALSE)
  uncorrected <- RunUMAP(object = uncorrected, dims = 1:15, reduction = "pca", verbose = FALSE)
  # Save the scatterplot 
  plots_ls[[as.character(n)]] <- DimPlot(object = uncorrected, = "tech", pt.size = 0.1 ) +
    ggtitle(label = "", subtitle = paste0("Independent HVG: ", n, "\nIntersected HVG: ",
#> Warning: The default method for RunUMAP has changed from calling Python UMAP via reticulate to the R-native UWOT using the cosine metric
#> To use Python UMAP via reticulate, set umap.method to 'umap-learn' and metric to 'correlation'
#> This message will be shown once per session
#> Found more than one class "dist" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'BiocGenerics'
#> Also defined by 'spam'
#> Found more than one class "dist" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'BiocGenerics'
#> Also defined by 'spam'
#> Found more than one class "dist" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'BiocGenerics'
#> Also defined by 'spam'
#> Found more than one class "dist" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'BiocGenerics'
#> Also defined by 'spam'
#> Found more than one class "dist" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'BiocGenerics'
#> Also defined by 'spam'
#> Found more than one class "dist" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'BiocGenerics'
#> Also defined by 'spam'
rm(intersected_VFs, n_VF, n)

Let’s check the UMAP plots using different sets of VFs.

plots_ls[[1]] + plots_ls[[2]] + plots_ls[[3]] + plot_layout(guides = "collect") & NoAxes() + myTheme + theme(legend.position = "bottom", )

As you can observe,

  • If we used a small number of VFs (left plot; VFs before intersection: 1k, VFs after intersection: 206), we get subtle differences between the data sets, but the structures of cells are not well defined.
  • If we use a large number of VFs (right plot; VFs before intersection: 10k, VFs after intersection: 4992), we capture a more complex structure of the cells, but the differences between batches increased significantly.

Therefore, we would prefer to use a midpoint set of VFs that captures the heterogeneity of cells without over-increasing the batch differences, e.g. the UMAP in the center.

To ease the selection of integration VFs, we provide the function FindIntegrationHVF to find and average the number of intersected VFs within a given range. Let’s use this function to find 1500 (+/- 100) intersected VFs.

integration_features <- FindIntegrationHVF(object_ls = thymus_ls, n_features = 1500, range = 100)
#> Number of independent VF:  4800 
#> Number of VF after intersection:  1414

Let’s visualize the uncorrected data using the variable features we just found.

VariableFeatures(uncorrected) <- integration_features
uncorrected <- ScaleData(object = uncorrected, assay = "RNA", features = integration_features,verbose = FALSE)
uncorrected <- RunPCA(object = uncorrected, assay = "RNA", features = integration_features, npcs = 50, verbose = FALSE)
#> Warning: Number of dimensions changing from 15 to 50

Let’s check out the elbow plot of the PCs.

MyElbowPlot(seurat_object = uncorrected, n_components = 30)

The variance stabilizes after 7 PCs. In this test, we will use 10 PCs to calculate the UMAP visualization, but feel free to try other numbers.

uncorrected <- RunUMAP(object = uncorrected, dims = 1:10, reduction = "pca", verbose = FALSE)
#> Found more than one class "dist" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'BiocGenerics'
#> Also defined by 'spam'
#> Found more than one class "dist" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'BiocGenerics'
#> Also defined by 'spam'

Let’s visualize the uncorrected data by technology and cell-type. NOTE: Tabula Muris provide the annotated cell types in the label cell_ontology_class.

DimPlot(object = uncorrected, = "tech", pt.size = 0.1) +
  DimPlot(object = uncorrected, = "cell_ontology_class", pt.size = 0.1) &
  NoAxes() + myTheme

We can observe that the technical differences between technologies caused the immature T cells to cluster by technology. We would like to correct these differences using Canek.

Tip 4. Confirm that you are using the correct variable features.

To correct batch effects, Canek accepts either a list of objects or single objects with a batch identifier. Don’t forget to pass the set of VFs we previously found.

#RunCanek in a list of SingleCellExperiment objects
#corrected <- Canek::RunCanek(x = sce, features = integration_features)
#RunCanek in a single object with a batch identifier
corrected <- Canek::RunCanek(x = uncorrected, batches = "tech", features = integration_features)

To perform PCA it’s important to use the corrected log counts. These are saved in the assay Canek in the SingleCellExperiment object and can be specified by changing the exprs_values parameter.

corrected <- ScaleData(object = corrected, features = integration_features, assay = "Canek", verbose = FALSE)
corrected <- RunPCA(object = corrected, assay = "Canek", features = integration_features, npcs = 50, verbose = FALSE)

Tip 5. Confirm the number of PCs after correcting batch effects.

Let’s check out the elbow plot after correction.

MyElbowPlot(seurat_object = corrected, n_components = 30)

After correction, the elbow plot presents small changes as compared with the one we found using the uncorrected data set. Then, we will continue using 10 PCs (feel free to try other numbers).

corrected <- RunUMAP(object = corrected, dims = 1:10, reduction = "pca", verbose = FALSE)
#> Found more than one class "dist" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'BiocGenerics'
#> Also defined by 'spam'
#> Found more than one class "dist" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'BiocGenerics'
#> Also defined by 'spam'

Finally, we can now visualize the corrected data by tech and cell_ontology_class (cell type) labels. We can observe that after batch correction with Canek, we minimize the batch difference in immature T cells.

DimPlot(object = corrected, = "tech", pt.size = 0.1) +
  DimPlot(object = corrected, = "cell_ontology_class", pt.size = 0.1) &
  NoAxes() + myTheme

Session info

#> R version 4.3.2 (2023-10-31)
#> Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
#> Running under: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
#> Matrix products: default
#> BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/ 
#> LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/;  LAPACK version 3.10.0
#> locale:
#>  [1] LC_CTYPE=C.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C           LC_TIME=C.UTF-8       
#>  [7] LC_PAPER=C.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C              LC_ADDRESS=C          
#> time zone: UTC
#> tzcode source: system (glibc)
#> attached base packages:
#> [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
#> other attached packages:
#> [1] here_1.0.1         patchwork_1.1.3    ggplot2_3.4.4      SeuratObject_5.0.0
#> [5] Seurat_4.4.0       Canek_0.2.4       
#> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#>   [1] RColorBrewer_1.1-3     jsonlite_1.8.7         magrittr_2.0.3        
#>   [4] spatstat.utils_3.0-4   modeltools_0.2-23      farver_2.1.1          
#>   [7] rmarkdown_2.25         fs_1.6.3               ragg_1.2.6            
#>  [10] vctrs_0.6.4            ROCR_1.0-11            memoise_2.0.1         
#>  [13] spatstat.explore_3.2-5 htmltools_0.5.6.1      BiocNeighbors_1.18.0  
#>  [16] sass_0.4.7             sctransform_0.4.1      parallelly_1.36.0     
#>  [19] KernSmooth_2.23-22     bslib_0.5.1            htmlwidgets_1.6.2     
#>  [22] desc_1.4.2             ica_1.0-3              plyr_1.8.9            
#>  [25] plotly_4.10.3          zoo_1.8-12             cachem_1.0.8          
#>  [28] igraph_1.5.1           mime_0.12              lifecycle_1.0.3       
#>  [31] pkgconfig_2.0.3        Matrix_1.6-1.1         R6_2.5.1              
#>  [34] fastmap_1.1.1          fitdistrplus_1.1-11    future_1.33.0         
#>  [37] shiny_1.7.5.1          digest_0.6.33          colorspace_2.1-0      
#>  [40] S4Vectors_0.38.2       numbers_0.8-5          rprojroot_2.0.3       
#>  [43] tensor_1.5             irlba_2.3.5.1          textshaping_0.3.7     
#>  [46] labeling_0.4.3         progressr_0.14.0       fansi_1.0.5           
#>  [49] spatstat.sparse_3.0-3  httr_1.4.7             polyclip_1.10-6       
#>  [52] abind_1.4-5            compiler_4.3.2         withr_2.5.2           
#>  [55] BiocParallel_1.34.2    highr_0.10             MASS_7.3-60           
#>  [58] bluster_1.10.0         tools_4.3.2            lmtest_0.9-40         
#>  [61] prabclus_2.3-3         httpuv_1.6.12          future.apply_1.11.0   
#>  [64] goftest_1.2-3          nnet_7.3-19            glue_1.6.2            
#>  [67] nlme_3.1-163           promises_1.2.1         grid_4.3.2            
#>  [70] Rtsne_0.16             cluster_2.1.4          reshape2_1.4.4        
#>  [73] generics_0.1.3         gtable_0.3.4           spatstat.data_3.0-3   
#>  [76] class_7.3-22           tidyr_1.3.0            data.table_1.14.8     
#>  [79] sp_2.1-1               utf8_1.2.4             flexmix_2.3-19        
#>  [82] BiocGenerics_0.46.0    spatstat.geom_3.2-7    RcppAnnoy_0.0.21      
#>  [85] ggrepel_0.9.4          RANN_2.6.1             pillar_1.9.0          
#>  [88] stringr_1.5.0          spam_2.10-0            later_1.3.1           
#>  [91] robustbase_0.99-0      splines_4.3.2          dplyr_1.1.3           
#>  [94] lattice_0.21-9         deldir_1.0-9           survival_3.5-7        
#>  [97] FNN_1.1.3.2            tidyselect_1.2.0       miniUI_0.1.1.1        
#> [100] pbapply_1.7-2          knitr_1.45             gridExtra_2.3         
#> [103] scattermore_1.2        stats4_4.3.2           xfun_0.41             
#> [106] diptest_0.76-0         matrixStats_1.0.0      DEoptimR_1.1-3        
#> [109] stringi_1.7.12         lazyeval_0.2.2         yaml_2.3.7            
#> [112] evaluate_0.23          codetools_0.2-19       kernlab_0.9-32        
#> [115] tibble_3.2.1           cli_3.6.1              uwot_0.1.16           
#> [118] xtable_1.8-4           reticulate_1.34.0      systemfonts_1.0.5     
#> [121] munsell_0.5.0          jquerylib_0.1.4        Rcpp_1.0.11           
#> [124] spatstat.random_3.2-1  globals_0.16.2         png_0.1-8             
#> [127] parallel_4.3.2         ellipsis_0.3.2         pkgdown_2.0.7         
#> [130] dotCall64_1.1-0        mclust_6.0.0           listenv_0.9.0         
#> [133] viridisLite_0.4.2      scales_1.2.1           ggridges_0.5.4        
#> [136] leiden_0.4.3           purrr_1.0.2            fpc_2.2-10            
#> [139] rlang_1.1.1            cowplot_1.1.1